With all the political attention seemingly still focused on Brexit, it’s perhaps easy to forget that Local Government Elections are taking place in Ruddington in just a month’s time.
Rushcliffe Borough Council is reminding anyone in our village who will be eligible to vote on May 2nd 2019, but has still not registered, that you must do so by THIS FRIDAY, April 12th in order to have your say. These days you can sign up online >>HERE<< in around five minutes – just so long as you know your National Insurance Number.
Ruddingtonians will be asked to cast our votes for new Rushcliffe Borough Councillors. (A vote will not be required for Ruddington Parish Council, due to there being less candidates than seats, and there are no further Nottinghamshire County Council elections due until May 2021.)
In the Rushcliffe Borough Council elections, existing Ruddington Councillor Martin Buckle is seeking re-election – whilst fellow Conservatives Sibby Buckle and Gary Dickman are also standing this time. Gill Aldridge, Mike Gaunt and Jen Walker are standing for the Labour Party. Matthew Sisson, Chandler Wilson and Ian Wilson are standing for The Green Party. There are no candidates standing for The Liberal Democrats in Ruddington.
Nominations for Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) candidates have now closed, still leaving several vacant seats because some existing Councillors have decided not to stand for election. RPC says it will therefore be looking for candidates by co-option to fill the vacancies rather than issuing ballot papers. Those nominated are Marion Pell for Camelot Ward, Sue Matthews, Ken Piggott, Chandler Wilson & Ian Wilson for Easthorpe Ward, John Hawson for Flawford Ward and David Hall, Leo Lanzoni & Allen Wood (the existing Chair) for Manor Ward. RPC explains current Parish Councillors will remain in place until May 7th – except for the Chairman and Vice Chairman who will remain in position until a Chairman is elected on May 14th.
RPC will start to advertise to fill the empty seats from May 8th. Meantime, if you’re interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, you can leave your contact details at the Parish Office, ‘phone them on 0115 914 6660, or email them now via office@ruddingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk. You will then be contacted after the 8th of May.